Where kombucha was first cultivated is not known. There is an opinion that this strange creation of nature was first appreciated in Tibet, and the valuable knowledge on how to use kombucha came to us at the beginning of the last century from the Land of the Rising Sun. Let us make it clear right away for those who are not aware: kombucha is not a plant, but a biological colony of beneficial yeasts and bacteria that coexist together. Symbiosis occurs in the nutrient medium of sweet tea. The drink has antimicrobial properties, so pregnant women who don’t want to take serious medication for colds often wonder if they can be treated with kombucha.
Table of contents:
Kombucha pregnancy: what it is
Kombucha is a living organism that exists through the activity of yeast fungi and vinegar bacteria. The colony, which has a dense layered surface, really looks like a mushroom. It has a sprout zone at the bottom, which makes the overall appearance of the formation resemble a jellyfish. It is no coincidence that some scientists call kombucha nothing other than myxomycetes.
Kombucha lives and grows in lightly brewed, slightly sweetened tea infusion. The tea environment is necessary for the microorganisms to synthesize ascorbic acid and produce cellulose fibers. Under the influence of yeast fungi, sugar is fermented to release ethyl alcohol and acid, and the bacteria turn the alcohol into acetic acid. At the end you can quench your thirst with a mildly carbonated, sweet and sour drink.
Features of the chemical composition
Infusion of myxomycetes at different stages of fermentation “grows” the following useful substances:
- An impressive array of organic acids: acetic, gluconic, citric, oxalic, phosphoric, lactic, kojic, malic;
- Enzymes: protease, zymase, saccharase, catalase, amylase, lipase;
- Lipids in the form of fatty acids and sterols;
- Mono- and disaccharides;
- Ethyl alcohol;
- Chlorophyll, xanthophyll;
- Vitamin D, PP, group B.
It turns out that there is a whole assortment of components necessary for the healthy functioning of the body and good health. As a result of laboratory research, it was found that on the 7th-10th day of fermentation the infusion of myxomycetes acquires antimicrobial properties and to some extent can replace synthetic antibiotics. But unlike the latter kombucha does not suppress the immune system and destroys foci of inflammation without side effects.
Long-term use of medusomycet is completely safe. In addition, it was found that pathogens do not develop resistance to it. The chemical composition of kombucha has been recognized as truly unique, since the bacteria, when interacting with it, are not able to recover and transform.
Is it possible to drink kombucha during pregnancy
Adherents of healthy eating assure that kombucha is a preventive agent against many diseases, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the state of health with avitaminosis and metabolic disorders.
Kombucha infusion for expectant mothers can be drunk with the permission of the attending physician. All drinks made of natural ingredients contain biologically active substances that can bring both benefit and harm to a woman. If the pregnant woman is feeling well, does not suffer from any chronic pathologies and is not allergic, kombucha is not contraindicated to her.
If you first heard about this miraculous remedy already during pregnancy and decided to test its beneficial effect on yourself, start drinking the infusion a few sips a day. If after 3 – 4 days you will not find any symptoms of allergies, you can increase the daily portion of the drink to 2 – 3 cups.
Do not worry about the alcohol in kombucha – it is no more than in kefir.
What kombucha helps during pregnancy
Let’s move on to specifics and list the problems of pregnancy that an expectant mother can solve by regularly taking an infusion of myxomycetes.
Toxicosis in early pregnancy
Kombucha relieves toxic attacks: a mildly carbonated drink with a pleasant sour-sweet taste effectively relieves thirst and eliminates nausea. At the heart of the beneficial effects of myxomycetes is its ability to remove the so-called toxins from the body and normalize metabolism.
At the reception of infusion kombucha the body of the expectant mother responds with gratitude: a woman gets in order hormones and improves psycho-emotional state. Some pregnant women signs of toxicity go away completely, others – reduced to a tolerable level. To make the toxicosis less rampant, it is recommended to season kombucha with 1 tsp. honey and take it in the morning on an empty stomach or an hour after breakfast.
Digestive disorder
Natural infusion activates the stomach and digestive glands. Components of kombucha revitalize the inner environment of the intestine, so the problem of flatulence and constipation does not bother the future mother. Kombucha will benefit if the pregnant woman has low acidity of the stomach due to a deficiency of digestive enzymes.
Vitamin deficiency and anemia
Chronic avitaminosis and lack of useful micronutrients in the body of a pregnant woman leads to various abnormalities in fetal development. Kombucha extract will help to cope with this problem as well. To make up for the lack of useful substances in the body, you need to drink an infusion of myxomycetes, prepared not on tea with sugar, but on the basis of a decoction of sweet rosehips.
Arterial hypertension
Kombucha stimulates a gradual decrease in blood pressure, increases the strength of the vascular walls and provides organs and tissues with an abundant blood supply. Systematic consumption of the drink reduces the load on the myocardium and reduces the risk of blood clots.
Excessive body weight
When unreasonably rapid weight gain during pregnancy, the infusion of kombucha is the best means to normalize weight. Infusion of myxomycetes normalizes metabolism, suppresses hunger and helps to keep weight at a stable level.
Stress on the excretory system
Continuing the list of virtues of kombucha: natural drink cleanses the intestines, stops infectious processes and relieves the kidneys and bladder of the pregnant woman.
Acute and chronic infectious diseases
An expectant mother is susceptible to various infections to a greater extent than other adults. A woman’s immune system has decreased under the influence of pregnancy, so she is more vulnerable than ever. For the same reason, previously dormant chronic diseases awaken in the body, which can have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus. Regular use of infusion kombucha will help maintain immunity at the proper level and extinguish the foci of chronic infections.
Antibiotic from the jar is effective against staphylococcus, streptococcus and pneumococcus. Due to the active components of the tea mushroom, viral infections like influenza are several times easier than usual. And if you infuse myxomycetes with sweetened raspberry or linden decoction, you will get a natural antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent against high fever and headache.
There is another version of the infusion of kombucha – external. Gargles of the mouth will get rid of the symptoms of angina, chronic tonsillitis, laryngitis, runny nose, stomatitis and periodontal disease.
Kombucha when planning a pregnancy
Planning to have a baby, many women undergo a complete medical examination, give up bad habits, give preference to a proper diet, start taking multivitamins. Well, it’s time to get acquainted with kombucha and introduce a useful drink into your diet on a regular basis. The remedy has a preventive and restorative effect, has a remarkable effect on the immune system. This is exactly what you need to successfully conceive a baby.
How to care for myxomycetes
Following these simple instructions, you will learn how to grow kombucha and how to take care of it:
- A new kombucha is grown from the top film peeled off the body of a mature specimen. To begin, the young kombucha plate is immersed in a jar of clean water.
- After 1 – 2 days, when the kombucha sinks to the bottom, it is taken out, washed with slightly warm boiled water and placed in a tea solution. Any tea will do. It doesn’t matter if it’s green or black, the main thing is to brew it not too strong.
- About 6.3 pints of tea will be needed: for each pint, take 3.5 ounces of sugar and 2 to 3 tsp. of dried tea. This jar of young kombucha in the tea brew, cover with gauze so that the myxomycetes can breathe.
- After some time, kombucha will cover the entire surface of the tea in the jar, and in another 2.5 – 3 weeks will begin to grow layers and release sprouts from the bottom. In 7 – 10 days after their appearance, the infusion is ready for consumption.
Kombucha cannot live without daylight, but it does not tolerate direct sunlight. To make the myxomycetes grow comfortably, it is placed in a glass container, which is placed in a bright but not sunlit place. Once every 3 days kombucha treated with a fresh portion of loose tea with sugar.
At intervals of 2 weeks, take the myxomycetes out of the jar and gently washed in warm boiled water. Do not squeeze the kombucha with your fingers too hard, otherwise you will disturb the microorganisms. Pay attention to the “behavior” of kombucha in the jar: if it does not float on the surface of the tea, but sinks into the thickness of the liquid, it lacks sugar. To fix the situation, dissolve a small amount of sugar in the tea and pour it into the jar. Do not pour sugar into the jar, otherwise its crystals will damage the mushroom colonies.
Kombucha pregnancy: how to take
The prepared drink based on myxomycetes is carefully poured into a convenient container, filtering it through several layers of gauze. The jar is refilled with fresh sweet tea prepared in advance. Kombucha is stored in a cool place. During infusion in the fridge, its taste becomes richer.
Pregnant women are recommended to drink 2 – 3 glasses of freshly infused drink a day, but to be reliable you should discuss this issue with your doctor. Mature infusion because of the high concentration of acidic substances is taken in smaller quantities.
When you should not take the drink
If you are going to cook kombucha, make sure that all the sanitary rules for growing the myxomycetes are followed: the tea must be freshly brewed, the utensils thoroughly washed, and the water clean. Any deviation from the rules will turn useful kombucha into a dangerous source of bacterial infection. You should not drink overripe drink with a rancid taste.
Kombucha is not taken in case of the following diseases:
- Diabetes mellitus (common and gestational);
- High acidity of gastric juice;
- Peptic ulcer;
- Inflammatory pathologies in the intestinal area;
- Gout;
- All fungal diseases, regardless of the area of activation of the pathological process.
In arterial hypotension, kombucha is taken with caution. If the expectant mother is prescribed any medications, the infusion can be drunk only 2 hours after taking them.
According to nutritionists, kombucha has no potential harm to pregnant women or the fetus. Expectant mothers and women who breastfeed may well quench their thirst with this infusion. It is important to observe moderation and drink no more than 3 cups of kombucha a day. Do not forget that from myxomycetes you get a drink with a high content of enzymes, as well as some alcohol and caffeine.
I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by the information I found here about the benefits and potential harms of consuming kombucha during pregnancy. As an expectant mom, it is very important for me to make informed decisions about my health and the health of my baby. This article provided a balanced and in-depth review highlighting the potential benefits of kombucha, such as its probiotic content and potential digestive support. It also addressed potential risks, such as the presence of caffeine and the slight possibility of bacterial contamination when consuming homemade or unpasteurized kombucha. Overall, this article helped me make an informed decision about whether to include kombucha in my diet during pregnancy, and for that I am truly grateful. Keep up the good work!
I just want to express my gratitude for this informative article on the benefits and potential harms of consuming Kombucha during pregnancy. As an expectant mother, I’ve been curious about whether I can enjoy this delicious beverage without compromising my baby’s health. This article provided a well-rounded view, helping me make an informed decision about including Kombucha in my diet while pregnant. Thank you for the clarity and guidance.
I found the article on the benefits and harms of kombucha during pregnancy to be informative. It’s crucial for expectant mothers to make well-informed choices about their diet. While kombucha can have potential benefits, the risks mentioned should not be taken lightly. The article provides a good starting point for those looking to understand the topic better.