Iceberg lettuce is a low-calorie product with a pleasant taste. Even those on the strictest diets enjoy eating it. In this article you will learn all about the nutritional value of iceberg lettuce.
Interesting is the origin of the name of the product. It began to be grown in California. In order to get it to other states fresh and strong, the sprouts were put on ice during transportation. Hence the clever name of iceberg.
Table of contents:
- What does iceberg lettuce look like
- Composition and calories
- What are the benefits of iceberg lettuce
- Iceberg salad when breastfeeding
- The medicinal properties of iceberg lettuce
- Harm and contraindications
- Iceberg lettuce is bitter: why and what to do
- Why does iceberg lettuce turn red on the cut
- How to choose and store iceberg lettuce
- What you can make with iceberg lettuce
- Interesting facts about iceberg lettuce
What does iceberg lettuce look like
Iceberg lettuce is an ancient vegetable crop. It is a variety of lettuce, which has smaller and curlier leaves. In appearance, it bears a resemblance to white cabbage. It is characterized by the same round shape of the cauliflower, belongs to the cruciferous, but is a leafy lettuce. The light green leaves are not as tightly packed together as in cabbage, so they separate easily. If the leaves separate with difficulty, then such a salad is considered overripe. Violated his taste. He may be slightly bitter.
Composition and calories
This product contains a large amount of water – about 90%, and the caloric content is one of the lowest – about 14 kcal. But this vegetable is extremely rich in useful vitamins. This is certainly worth bearing in mind for those who seek to lose weight.
Feel free to include this salad in your diet. It contains almost all the B vitamins except B12. The fiber found in the product supports good digestion. Choline, a B vitamin, is almost not produced by our own bodies, but is present in abundance in the salad. It plays a crucial role in the complex workings of our brain, nervous system and liver. It also effectively protects cells from aging and destruction.
Beta-carotene is also found in sufficient quantities in this vegetable. It normalizes the activity of many body systems. Increases immunity, improves vision, and is an excellent preventative against cataracts and glaucoma.
The plant has folic acid, phosphorus, potassium, as well as magnesium and sodium. Copper and calcium are also present. This is a must-have product for those who limit themselves in their diet.
The abundance of these nutrients in this product makes iceberg truly unique and absolutely necessary in the diet of every family member, regardless of age.
What are the benefits of iceberg lettuce
It is difficult to list all the unique benefits of this product without forgetting or omitting anything. There are so many of them, and all of them are surely necessary and useful for the normal functioning of our body systems.
The undoubted advantage of this salad in the richest composition of all its constituent elements. It contains almost all the vitamins of the B group. With 58% of protein in the product it has only 38% of carbohydrates and only about 8% of fat. Such a ratio of low-calorie and high protein content is probably not found in any other product. It should also be noted the complete absence of cholesterol in the salad, which is very important for every person who is watching his health.
Salad is famous for the following health benefits:
- Strengthens the nervous system.
- Normalizes mental activity.
- Improves intestinal peristalsis and normalizes metabolism.
It is actively used in cosmetology. The vegetable is saturated with such substances as magnesium, which synthesizes collagen, so necessary for beautiful and healthy skin. Regular use of this salad will get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, make the skin smooth and give it a shine. It will moisturize any type of skin and support metabolic fat processes. It will take care of scalp moisturizing and get rid of dandruff. Will prevent hair loss, make them strong, shiny and healthy.
The use of leaves in masks well moisturizes and nourishes the skin. This product also restores damaged hair and nails. It is good to rinse the hair with the juice.
Iceberg lettuce stimulates the production of the necessary hormone of joy – serotonin. It is this hormone that helps to cope with depression. It helps to restore strength when you are emotionally loaded.
Iceberg salad when breastfeeding
When breastfeeding a young mother should be very careful with her diet. It should contain the optimum content of necessary and useful substances for feeding the baby. The food must always be varied, and you need to eat a balanced diet. It should also contain vitamins necessary for normal growth and development of the child. But it is also necessary to consider how this food affects the baby’s well-being. Does the digestive system work normally, are there no allergic reactions to any product.
As for iceberg lettuce, we can definitely say that it is just necessary to include it in the diet of breastfeeding moms.
- The salad does not cause absolutely no manifestations of allergies.
- It contains vitamin A, which supports eyesight, skin health, plays a special role in enhancing immunity.
- Contains vitamin E necessary for a person from birth to old age. Maintains normal operation of blood vessels. Regulates blood pressure. Prevents the appearance of life-threatening blood clots in the blood vessels.
- Has a chemical composition of vitamin C, otherwise known as ascorbic acid.
Who hasn’t heard about the extraordinary properties of vitamin C! The human body cannot produce it on its own, and this vitamin is vitally important. It participates in the formation of collagen, so necessary for our joints and skin. Without it, it is impossible to recover from injuries. With vitamin C, the body assimilates iron, fights heart attacks.
A lot of women after childbirth put on weight. This salad is better than any other product satiates the body without adding extra pounds. Lose weight without compromising your health! The salad is easy to digest and normalizes the digestive tract.
For a nursing mother, it is important that this salad increases lactation, which is undoubtedly very important when breastfeeding. The product perfectly saturates the woman’s body with important and necessary micronutrients, which avoids avitaminosis. By eliminating excess fluid from the body, it fights swelling.
In the first month of the baby’s life, doctors recommend nursing mothers to eat only foods that have been heat-treated. It is recommended to introduce lettuce into the diet no sooner than 1 month old. It is necessary to consume in the morning 1-2 leaves, no more. Over time, if the child responds well to this product, the portion can be increased. If there is any negative reaction, the intake of this product should be discontinued. Also requires special control of the large amount of oxalic acid in this vegetable. With urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, this acid can provoke the formation of stones.
The medicinal properties of iceberg lettuce
- The role of this salad in normalizing the digestive process of the body is invaluable.
- Also this vegetable plays a special role in the process of blood renewal.
- The lactucin present in its chemical composition is a good pain reliever.
- It is recommended to include iceberg in the diet of people engaged in strenuous mental work, as well as all students. It stimulates the work of the brain.
- Abundance of B vitamins helps to cope with anemia. Significantly increases the immunity of people who have suffered serious illnesses.
- This product is an excellent disinfectant for the mouth, so it can be safely and successfully used to treat stomatitis. Also, lettuce perfectly eliminates bad breath due to stomach diseases or the presence of rotten teeth.
People who are overweight are strongly advised to include iceberg lettuce in their diet. Lettuce leaves contain vitamin K: it helps to stabilize the work of many organs and systems of the human body.
The substances contained in this unique vegetable normalize metabolism, significantly improve eyesight, and restore the normal process of hematopoiesis. The systematic inclusion of this product in the diet helps to combat the strain on the central nervous system, takes out depression, cures insomnia, saves from the negative effects of frequent stress. The composition of vitamins and minerals that is contained in the leaves, provides invaluable assistance in normalizing the cardiovascular system, protecting us from heart attacks and strokes. Calcium strengthens tooth enamel and bones.
Beta-carotene – another useful element, which is in sufficient quantities in this product supports vision, strengthens the eye muscles.
The essential folic acid in lettuce leaves makes it a must in the diet of pregnant women and nursing mothers. It ensures the production of enough milk to feed the baby. During pregnancy, it prevents the formation of fetal abnormalities. Also folic acid helps keep the nervous system in tone, which is necessary for students during exams or people engaged in mental work.
The systematic use of leaf lettuce maintains a normal level of hemoglobin in the blood, removes excess salts from the body. Very useful freshly squeezed juice of lettuce leaves. It is recommended to take it in case of stomach diseases: gastritis and ulcers. Some researchers believe that this vegetable should be used to prevent cancer.
Widely used lettuce leaves and in folk medicine. There are many recipes for various infusions and decoctions. But you should never engage in self-medication. It is always better to consult with your doctor.
Harm and contraindications
Despite the abundance of useful substances that are included in this product, you can not rely entirely on it, seeking to lose weight. It would not be right to eat three times a day just this vegetable. In everything you need a sensible measure.
There are practically no contraindications to the use of this salad. But, although this product does not cause any allergies, some people may be intolerant to greens in raw form, so before you introduce the product to your menu, make sure that you do not have this problem. The only, perhaps, serious concern may be the oxalic acid in its composition. People who suffer from urolithiasis or cholelithiasis, it is better to consult a doctor before taking this product.
It is not recommended to consume lettuce if you have such a disease as gout. You should also not abuse the leaves when gastrointestinal diseases are exacerbated. Although, when the disease is in remission, on the contrary, recommend the product for consumption.
Iceberg lettuce is bitter: why and what to do
Many lovers of this product know that it can be bitter. The main reason for bitterness is a lack of moisture. Simply put, it was not watered enough when it was growing. Also the fact that it was picked late from the bed can be the cause of bitterness. The leaves have become coarse, and bitterness has appeared in them. If you want to fix the lettuce, get rid of its bitterness, divide it into leaves, cut off the root. Then you need to put everything in a saucepan with salted cold water and add pieces of ice. The bitterness will go away.
There is another recipe to get rid of bitterness. You also need to put in cold water, but add there not salt, but citric acid.
The very bitterness is not a sign of spoilage product, so if you like the taste, feel free to eat these leaves. That said, the bitterness has nothing to do with the quality of the product itself. It even gives some spice to the taste of cooked dishes, which also finds its fans and admirers.
Why does iceberg lettuce turn red on the cut
Any of the foods that appear on our table from those that are not thermally processed contain active enzymes that are very beneficial to us. Color changes or reddish-brown spots appearing on the tips of the leaves indicate oxidation or destruction of these living enzymes during storage. This does not mean that the lettuce has gone bad.
The pink tinge on the cut can come from a metal knife. Replace the knife with a ceramic or silicone-coated knife. Better yet, tear it with your hands when cooking. A salad with a reddened cut is quite fit to eat. It does not change its taste and properties.
How to choose and store iceberg lettuce
- Like any other vegetable, you need to choose this lettuce first of all by its appearance. It should be flat on all sides, not flattened, elastic and springy to the touch. If the leaves are very thick and more like cabbage, it means that this harvest was taken very late and it does not have the qualities of taste that are needed.
- The leaves should not fall apart.
- The weight is a little less than a pound.
- The leaves are even green in color.
- Be sure to pay attention to the root. If it is darkened on the cut, you do not need to take the salad: it is stale.
Iceberg lasts much longer than other leaf salads. In the refrigerator at a temperature of -2 to +5 degrees it keeps up to 5 days. Some hostesses recommend wrapping lettuce with a wet cloth and putting it in the fridge. So it is possible to significantly increase its shelf life. It should be remembered that the fresh product is elastic and crisp, and this is its beauty. If these qualities have changed, it is unlikely to get full enjoyment from such food.
What you can make with iceberg lettuce
The leaves of this lettuce have a lot of water in them. They are juicy, appetizingly crunchy and neutral in taste, so they go well with almost all foods and dressings. It is used only in its raw form, which allows all the useful elements in this product to be preserved. Leaves can be cut or torn by hand. Depends on what shape and size are needed in the preparation of a particular dish. If cutting lettuce with a knife, it is better not to use an iron knife, but to take a ceramic one. Then there will be no oxidation, and the cut will not acquire a pinkish hue.
Because of its neutral flavor, iceberg goes well with almost any food. It can be meat (chicken or turkey is best), fish (salted, smoked, dried), seafood, mushrooms and vegetables, even fruits (especially pear, apple, citrus and pineapple). Of the cheeses, cheddar or parmesan are the best to add.
To add spice to the salad, add pine nuts, croutons, and cherry tomatoes. It’s almost impossible to go wrong with the ingredients. Let your imagination fly and create in the kitchen, creating new culinary masterpieces.
A recipe with shrimp and iceberg lettuce
This salad includes the ingredients:
- Iceberg lettuce – 12.3 oz.
- Large king prawns – 10.5 oz.
- Black pitted olives – 10 units.
- Capers – 1 oz.
- Chicken egg – 3 units.
- Sour cream – to taste.
- Wash and dry the lettuce leaves.
- Throw out the root, tear the leaves into large enough pieces.
- Boil the shrimp.
- Boil the eggs, cool them down and cut into julienne strips.
- Cut black olives and capers into slices.
- Mix and season with sour cream.
The lettuce can be chopped or torn with your hands.
Salad with baked pork and pickle
Ingredients needed:
- Iceberg lettuce – 1 oz.
- Sirloin – 8.8 oz.
- Salty cucumber – 1-2 pcs.
- Mayonnaise – to taste.
- Lemon juice – 2 tsp.
- Apple – 1 pc.
- Greens are washed and cut into straws.
- The meat is cut into slices.
- Cucumbers to be cut in the form of julienne.
- Apple is cut into thin slices.
- All ingredients are combined, lemon juice and mayonnaise are added.
Interesting facts about iceberg lettuce
- The ancient Greeks consumed iceberg every day, believing that it acted as a sleeping aid, an analgesic and was able to sober up after drinking wine.
- In ancient Egypt it was originally grown for its oil and seeds and only much later was it consumed as food.
- The Americans came up with the original idea of transporting the product over long distances by encasing it in ice. Hence the name of the lettuce.
The benefits of eating iceberg lettuce are undeniable. It has a very beneficial effect on all the functions and vital systems of the body. It enriches the necessary amount of biologically active nutrients, so important and necessary for health and well-being. Frankly amazing how in such a plain product can contain so many useful substances, but moreover this salad is a true record holder for the number of calories in it. It is good to eat as a single leaf and as part of various salads and appetizers. It can be consumed at any age. It does not cause any adverse allergic reactions to anyone.
I was pleasantly surprised to learn that iceberg lettuce does indeed offer some nutritional benefits. While it may not be as nutrient-dense as other leafy greens, it still contains vitamins A and K, as well as small amounts of fiber. Its high water content also makes it a hydrating option. Although it may not steal the spotlight in terms of nutritional value, iceberg lettuce can still be a refreshing addition to salads and sandwiches, providing a crispy crunch and a subtle, refreshing taste. So, don’t underestimate the simple pleasures and modest health perks of iceberg lettuce!
I just stumbled upon this article about the nutritional value of iceberg lettuce, and I’m pleasantly surprised! I’ve always enjoyed its crisp texture in salads, but now I know it also provides some essential nutrients. Thanks for shedding light on this often underestimated veggie. I’ll be adding more iceberg lettuce to my meals for that extra crunch and nutrition.
I just stumbled upon this article about iceberg lettuce’s nutritional value, and I’m genuinely surprised! It’s wonderful to learn that even this seemingly simple lettuce variety can contribute to a healthy diet. Thanks for shedding light on the topic!