Quite often the question arises as to how to eat less. To feel beautiful, light and athletic, you need to prepare for this wonderful moment now.
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Surprisingly, almost all people prone to obesity know how to lose 2 to 6 kilograms in a short period of time. Everything is clear: eat less, drink more and exercise intensively. The only question is how to force yourself to do all this and how to start eating less?
Especially for you, we have prepared a selection of tips that will help you curb your appetite. The main rule – do not neglect the little things. Try all of these tricks, and you’re sure to find ones that work for you.
Drink when you are hungry
It is known that drinking correctly reduces appetite, normalizes digestion, and promotes weight loss. But it is water that is needed, not tea or juices. In a day you should drink at least two liters of plain non-carbonated water, not counting other drinks.
Put a bottle of water on your desk and drink a glass every hour. If you forget, set reminders on your smartphone. Drink a full glass half an hour before and immediately after meals. Drink whenever you change location: go to the printer, drink a glass of water.
To make water seem more appealing and not boring, at home you can add to it frozen pieces of lemon, lime and orange in advance.
Find out what temperature water you like to drink. Perhaps you like hot water better than cold water.
Only delicious food
Diet foods are often associated with deprivation. It’s unappetizing to eat, so it’s easy to have a food breakdown and fill up on treats. Give up junk food! If you don’t like oatmeal or cottage cheese – don’t eat it! You can always find something you like among the low-calorie foods. Spices, vinegar, mustard, pan-Asian low-calorie sauces, a little at a time. It’s meant to be enjoyed!
Eat often
This simple technique does not allow you to feel quite hungry and sweep away at lunch from the table everything you can reach. Eat five or six times a day, but in very small portions – 150-200 grams per reception. Then you will remember what you have eaten recently, and you feel less deprived. In addition, you spoil yourself more often with taste, and therefore you are less sad.
It is better to make the last meal three to three and a half hours before going to bed. If you ate at six, and you go to bed at one o’clock, then at eleven you are so hungry that night raids on the fridge are inevitable.
Nutritionists say that for successful weight loss you need 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every day. And not whenever, but during the dark time of the day, when the necessary hormones are produced for this purpose.
Small plate
Psychologists have found that eating a full plate makes people feel more satisfied. In this case, the size of the plate is not decisive. Take advantage of this trick! Eat a full plate, but use the smallest one possible. It is also better to take a teaspoon, or at least a dessert spoon. Then your brain will note that the number of spoonfuls eaten was substantial, and will broadcast a feeling of fullness!
Blue. Scientists have found that a person’s color surroundings while eating affect his or her appetite. Thus, warm colors stimulate the desire to eat, and cold colors reduce appetite. The strongest effect gives the color blue. Do not neglect this knowledge! If you cannot paint the walls and furniture in blue, then at least lay a tablecloth of ultramarine color, put cornflower dishes, and hang bright blue curtains.
Eat slowly
Eat thoughtfully, savoring every bite. This is how we tell our satiety centers that we have eaten long and with pleasure, which means we have had enough. Try to consider and smell the food before you put it in your mouth. This increases awareness of the process.
American scientists found out that there are smells, which, all other things being equal, accelerate weight loss by one third. It’s simple and accessible: they are the smells of peppermint, apple and banana. You should listen to them thoughtfully before you start any meal.
Take a walk before dinner
It is believed that a walk in the fresh air contributes to the appetite. There is even an expression “work up an appetite“. However, scientists have found that if you walk intensely, at a fast pace, the body is saturated with oxygen and appetite, on the contrary, decreases. So you can fool the body: after a walk, even a small portion will seem quite sufficient.
Remove temptations
Get rid of the fridge and the whole house of those products at the sight of which you lose your willpower. Don’t keep cookies, candy, raisins, chips, salted nuts, and other foods that are vicious enemies of the waistline in plain sight. Let airy bran or julienne-cut carrots lie in plain sight.
If you came to visit and participate in the feast, there is no way to avoid temptation. The tactic should be as follows. First, try not to come to the guests completely hungry. Secondly, immediately put on a small plate everything you’re going to eat, and move away from the table. Give yourself the word not to refill the plate again and not to drag anything from the table. Thirdly, to fool yourself, you can put a bowl of ice cubes in front of you during a long feast and gradually eat them. You can do the same with frozen unsweetened berries or fruit. Frozen fruit cannot be eaten quickly, and you will have to stretch this pleasure for a long time. Let your friends think it is your extravagant feature and prepare a small bag of frozen berries for you in advance, rather than cakes and tea.
Snack properly
For snacks in the middle of the day will do apricots or prunes, sliced carrots, celery stalks, tomato, cucumber or unsweetened apple. Whenever you feel like eating, but it’s not time yet, you can toss in some airy, crunchy bran. They taste nice and with minimal calories have the property to quickly absorb liquid and increase in volume, providing a feeling of fullness.
Good, proper snacks also include low-fat fermented milk drinks, protein shakes or protein bars that are sold in sports stores.
It’s important to have healthy snack foods on hand at all times. This minimizes the risk of breaking out and buying a muffin.
Miracle supplements
Very often, when we feel hunger, our body signals us about the lack of some micronutrients and vitamins. And we don’t understand and we load into ourselves whatever we can. That is why nutritionists recommend not to start any diet without the support of a vitamin and mineral complex.
For example, an increased need for sweets may mean that the body lacks chromium. Reglucol helps to solve this problem by replenishing the lack of this substance, helps break down accumulated fats and speeds up the metabolism.
An obsessive desire for chocolate may be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Replenish it easily, for this suffices to choose and take a vitamin and mineral complex with magnesium.
Bouts of uncontrollable appetite are often associated with low serotonin levels. Special dietary supplements containing tryptophan or 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), which is the basis for the production of serotonin, can help to cope with its deficiency.
Another natural supplement that doctors recommend including in the diet for weight loss is crushed spirulina algae. It successfully makes up for the lack of most vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and essential polyunsaturated fatty enzymes. Spirulina normalizes metabolism and successfully fights excess weight.
Do not rush from extreme to extreme: do not reject hunger pains, but also do not eat them with anything – make up what your body really lacks, and the increased appetite will disappear by itself.
Spend money on a nutritionist
Of course, it’s easier to lose weight with a nutritionist. And even if you know exactly what you need to do, go see one anyway! It’s amazing, but it’s the money spent on specialists that often keeps us from dropping everything halfway through and rejecting their recommendations. The inner toad is a great thing! Plus, nutritionists say you can’t go on the same diet twice. Each time you gain weight again, it takes an adjustment to your weight loss recommendations.
Make your own top of the best tips
As you lose weight, the determination to stick to a certain diet and exercise regimen can gradually wane. Help Yourself! Regularly read motivational articles, communicate with those who support you, see a psychologist, finally. And be sure to make your own list of tricks that work for you and give the best effect.
Great results to you! Let everything work out for you!
How can I suppress my appetite?
There are several strategies you can try to suppress appetite. Some effective methods include eating protein-rich foods, increasing fiber intake, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, managing stress levels, and incorporating regular exercise into your routine. In addition, certain supplements or medications can help control appetite, but you should consult a health care professional before using them.
Can you train your body to be less hungry?
Yes, you can teach your body to eat less by adopting healthy eating habits and following a consistent eating schedule. A balanced diet with a combination of protein, healthy fats and fiber can help you stay full longer. In addition, regular physical activity can help regulate hunger hormones and reduce appetite over time.
How do you train your brain to not want food?
Brain training to reduce food cravings involves a combination of strategies. Some methods include practicing mindful eating, focusing on whole and nutritious foods, identifying and eliminating emotional triggers that trigger the urge to eat, finding alternative activities to engage in when food cravings arise, and seeking support from professionals such as therapists or registered dietitians if needed.
Will I be weaker if I eat less?
If you consistently consume significantly fewer calories than your body requires, you may experience weight loss, potentially leading to decreased muscle mass and strength. However, it is important to maintain a balance and make sure your body is getting enough nutrients to maintain overall health and wellness. A consultation with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can help you determine the appropriate caloric intake for your specific goals and needs.
What’s the longest you should go without eating?
The length of time a person can go without eating depends on various factors, such as individual health, activity level and metabolic rate. As a general rule, it is not advisable to go without food for a long period of time, as this can have a negative effect on health. As a general rule, it is advisable to eat regularly and not go without food for more than 24 hours. However, if you have special medical conditions or if you are going to fast for any reason, you should consult a health care professional for individual recommendations.
I found this article on how to eat less very informative. The tips presented were practical and easy to follow. I appreciated the emphasis on listening to your body and being mindful when eating. The article also offered ideas on how to reduce portion sizes and not feel deprived. Overall, I think this is a great resource for those who want to make healthier food choices.