It is difficult to find someone who at least once in his life would not have enjoyed the exquisite taste of hibiscus tea with a slight hint of acidity. The useful properties of this magical drink can be listed endlessly! However, like any other product, hibiscus has a number of contraindications, and the future mother may justifiably ask: Is it possible to drink hibiscus during pregnancy? Is hibiscus tea safe during pregnancy?
Table of contents:
Hibiscus tea during pregnancy
This tea is made from dried hibiscus flowers. The raw material is the calyx or bracts that remain after the hibiscus petals have withered. Originally introduced to India, it is now grown in Egypt, Mexico and many other countries.
Properly cooked hibiscus has a pleasant taste with a hint of sourness, the appearance is a drink with a deep velvety red color. These parameters may vary slightly – it all depends on the conditions in which and where the hibiscus was grown geographically.
Useful properties
The sour taste is due to the presence of various acids in the drink, such as malic, tartaric and citric acids. In addition, hibiscus contains a range of essential vitamins and trace elements.
The hibiscus tea, having in its chemical composition a huge variety of useful substances, has a generally very beneficial effect on human health:
- Relieves stress, normalizes the emotional background, helps to get away from stress.
- Maintains the immune system at a high level, helps to cope with the symptoms of viruses and colds.
- Cleanses the body, at the expense of which there is a decrease in weight.
- Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
- Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and genitourinary system.
- Lowers cholesterol levels.
The list of contraindications to the use of hibiscus tea is small, but it is still necessary to familiarize with it before the first use:
- Gastritis, stomach ulcers – hibiscus promotes acidity of gastric juice, which will only aggravate the already existing problems.
- Gallstone or urolithiasis, especially in the acute stage.
- In addition, there can always be an individual intolerance to hibiscus.
It is necessary to take into account the fact that hibiscus tea has a diuretic effect and in large doses can lead to blood thinning.
Can I drink hibiscus tea or not?
By and large, there are no contraindications specifically for pregnant women. Neither on the fetus in particular, nor on the course of pregnancy in general, karkade does not have a negative impact. This tea is a source of vitamins and important trace elements, which in normal life are extremely necessary, and during pregnancy – even more so!
The expectant mother should just remember that hibiscus is a diuretic, and pregnant women can already be bothered by frequent trips to the bathroom.
And again, if a woman has gastritis or peptic ulcer, biliary or urolithiasis, this drink should be avoided.
Hibiscus in early pregnancy
The beginning of pregnancy is the process of conceiving a new life, the formation of internal vital organs and systems, a certain point of reference. During this period, expectant mothers are recommended to rest as much as possible, both emotionally and physically. Many things that are in principle allowed during pregnancy may be forbidden at the very beginning of pregnancy.
As for hibiscus, we have already found out that in relation to pregnancy, this drink has no contraindications. However, it can provoke unwanted processes in the body, which will give the future mother a certain discomfort. We are talking about all the same frequent trips to the toilet, for example.
Therefore, if there are no general contraindications, it is possible to drink hibiscus in early pregnancy. But, of course, in moderation. Any, even the most useful drink, without any contraindications can cause irreparable damage to the body if taken thoughtlessly.
How to prepare hibiscus
Hibiscus is prepared by two methods:
- brewing;
- infusion.
The first option involves saving time in the preparation of the drink, while the second allows you to save absolutely all the vitamins and trace elements of hibiscus.
Brewing hibiscus during pregnancy
- Like a standard tea, hibiscus flowers are poured with hot water and infused for 5-7 minutes.
- The second method is more sophisticated and resembles brewing coffee in a turkey: the tea is poured with cold water and brought to a boil over low heat, after which, unlike coffee, it is boiled for about 3 more minutes.
Cold infusion hibiscus during pregnancy
This process takes a lot of time, so it is better to infuse tea before going to bed, so that you do not waste time waiting, and start the morning with a sip of your favorite drink.
Hibiscus flowers just need to pour drinking water at room temperature and leave for at least 8 hours.
General rules for preparing hibiscus
In order for the drink to be delicious, enriched with vitamins and minerals, and also to keep its beautiful rich red color, when preparing it, you should take into account small and simple tricks:
- Do not skimp on the quality of the drink and buy hibiscus in powder – only whole dried flowers should be used!
- The water quality also plays a role not only when making hibiscus, but in principle any tea or coffee. It’s better to take soft water from trusted sources, then the real taste won’t be distorted.
- It is also important what glassware you use to drink this miracle drink. The metal will give the tea a peculiar taste, so it’s better to prefer dishes made of porcelain, glass or ceramic.
- When you cook it on the stove, the main thing is to take it off the fire in time, because a long boiling spoils all the useful vitamins and minerals in hibiscus. Moreover, its color will be distorted and turn a little blue.
- Regardless of the chosen method, hibiscus should be cooked under a lid.
- Ideally, the following proportions should be used: 3 tablespoons of hibiscus for 3 pints of water.
How to drink hibiscus during pregnancy
We have already found out that it is possible to drink hibiscus during pregnancy. Nevertheless, before drinking this drink, the future mother should consult her doctor.
If you take hibiscus correctly during pregnancy, it can greatly facilitate the gestation process itself, because:
- This tea is excellent for relieving the symptoms of toxicosis. Many pregnant women face this phenomenon in the first trimester of pregnancy, sometimes the symptoms remain until delivery!
- Swelling, which almost every expectant mother is prone to, easily goes away with regular intake of hibiscus.
- The vitamin complex in the tea strengthens the immune system and helps the body build an effective defense against viruses.
- Hibiscus provides an excellent prevention of varicose veins. As the belly grows, the weight of the expectant mother increases, the load on the back and legs becomes more and more severe. Varicose occasionally occurs in future mothers closer to the third trimester, so it is urgent to keep the condition of their veins under control.
- A drink made of hibiscus flowers will charge you with energy for the whole day, it will take you out of the state of stress and put you in a good mood. It is no secret that pregnant women may have mood swings, tears can occur on the spot. If these moments are not controlled, the fetus can be unhappy with mom’s tantrums, because he feels everything!
And to get the maximum benefit from the use of hibiscus, the future mother should adhere to the following simple rules:
- Drink only in the first half of the day, because we remember, hibiscus flowers have a diuretic effect.
- Take it on a full stomach, otherwise it can aggravate heartburn, which already bothers almost every pregnant woman.
- Do not exceed the recommended dosage, which is no more than 10 ounces of liquid per day!
Every woman is unique, and her pregnancy is an individual process. Moms-to-be may react differently to the same products. It is the same with hibiscus tea – some people may like the smell and taste, and a slight acidity can even help to cope with toxicity. Some people, on the contrary, the mere mention of hibiscus drink can cause bouts of nausea.
Therefore it is safe to say that hibiscus tea is a very useful drink and actually without contraindications, but it is worth listening to your own body – if it resists, then you should not force it. In this case, you will have to look for another source of vitamins and minerals!
But if, on the contrary, a pregnant woman is drawn to hibiscus, it is also not worth to go to extremes and consume the drink without limits! This, too, is fraught with serious consequences. All is good in moderation!
Hibiscus tea has been a welcome and safe addition to my pregnancy. Its vibrant color and refreshing taste make it a great alternative to caffeinated beverages. Plus, the potential health benefits such as reducing stress and strengthening blood vessel walls are an added bonus. Remember that, as with everything, moderation is important in pregnancy. Here’s to a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy!🌺🤰💕